Sunday, 25 September 2011

Pygmy Catfish

About the Fish

Pygmy Catfish or Corydoras Pygmaeus one of the fresh water fishes it was found in south America .


its small fish grows to reach 2.1 cm and females are larger than males .


its one of the peaceful fishes its prefer to live in groups of 4 or 5 members or more , as most of the cat fishes they swim at the lower part of the tank but they are mid water swimmers as well .

Temperature and PH

the fish prefer temperature 22 to 26 C and PH lvl 6 - 8

Tank Size

 with small size fish like Pygmy catfish small tanks or large tanks will be good for such small fish but not smaller than 25 litter tanks .


the fish eat plants and insects and worms and crustaceans .

Friday, 23 September 2011

molly fish

About the Fish

molly fish or (poecilia sphenops) is one of the popular fresh water aquarium fish its also good for beginners coz it easy to care for . molly fish in wild lives in marine and fresh water and the fish origin is Mexico


in wild life u can find mollies with silver and black but there is many others types like golder molly and balloon molly and sail fin molly and Yucatan molly , molly grows up to reach 15 cm , Mollie's males have long dorsal fins while female have short one also females rounded anal fins unlike males which the have normal fin


mollies are peaceful fishes they are mid water swimmers except black molly fish some times the act aggressive to other fishes and the best tank mates are sword tail fish or platy fish .


the fish prefer temperature from 18 - 27 C 

Tank Size 

for small size molly like Yucatan or sail fin molly 35 litter tanks and larger for other types you should get larger tank ( for adult fishes ) 


Mollies are omnivorous so they will feeds on vegetables like alga and live foods like blood worms or brine shrimps 


Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Swordtail Fish

About the Fish

one of the most popular fresh water aquariums fish and in the wild life the fish is olive green color  unlike the orange color that we know  . sword tail fish or (xiphophorus hellerii) lives in north and central America .


the name sword tail come from the male long part of the tail which is looks like sword while females don't have it . male's sword tail fishes grow up to 14 cm while females grow up to 16 cm .


Sword tail fish is one of the peaceful fishes its one of the highly produced fishes so it very easy to get your aquarium full of these fishes in short time they may be aggressive against long fins fishes like gold fish or fighter and the best mates are platy and mollys also guppy fish .
Temperature and PH

the fish prefer Temperature of 17 to 28 C and PH from 6.5 to 7.7 

Tank size

an adult fish should be kept in 30 litter Tank or larger to give free space for fishes to swim.

the fish is omnivorous so it feeds on plants and other live foods like Crustacea and Annelid worms

Monday, 19 September 2011

Emperor tetra

About The fish


Emperor Tetra or (Nematobrycon palmeri)  its one of the Colombian fishes which can be found in streams and rivers of western Colombia 


The fish Got yellow and black horizontal wide lines with purple glow on the fins and tail if the aquarium is well lighted you will see the yellow dominate but  if the aquarium is low lighted the purple will be more apparent . males Emperor Tetras have three pronged tail with the center black part extending beyond the rest of the tail while in the female the center black part only reaches as far as the clear part of the tail.and the fish grow to 7.5cm


unlink most of the Tetras,Emperor Tetra is not school fish it lives as pairs or singles

Temperature and PH


 the fish prefer temperature of 23-27 C and PH of 6.5, a hardness of 50–100 mg

Tank Size 

The Fish need 30 litter Tank size well planted


The Emperor Tetra is an omnivore so good flake or pelleted fish food is a good basis for its diet also frozen blood worms and Daphnia