Thursday, 28 July 2011

Zebra Fish

About The Fish

zebrafish or Danio rerio one of the fresh water fishes the fish belong to minnow family (Cyprinidae) zebrafish is native to the streams of the southeastern Himalayan region,including the countries India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, It commonly inhabits streams, canals, ditches, ponds, and slow-moving to stagnant water bodies, including rice fields.


The fish is name come from the five uniform, pigmented, horizontal blue stripes on the side of the body, all of which extend to the end of the caudal fin.Males are torpedo shaped and have gold stripes between the blue stripes females have a larger whitish belly and have silver stripes instead of gold.The zebrafish can grow to 6.4 centimetres (2.5 in)Life-span in captivity is around 2–3 years .


 zebra fish is good fish for beginners its playful fish like to kept in groups of 6 members or more and its generally peacful fish.


the temperature should be between 22–28 °C (72–82 °F)


the fish should be kept in tank of 15 gallons or more


zebra fish is omnivorous in wild they feed on zooplankton , insects and insect larvae, and phytoplankton also worms and small crustaceans and they eat flakes and tubifex worms

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Pleco Fish

About The Fish

Pleco fish (Hypostomus plecostomus) also known as sucker fish or common algea sucker they suck algae all over the tank , they are one of the popular fresh water aquariums fishes and you can find this fish in south America they are omnivorous (meat and plants eater) but they feed on plants the most and peaceful fish.



the Plecostomus the name come from its folded mouth which is making the fish able to stick on the tank sids and suck the algae there is many kinds of this fish with diffrent looking like albino and zebra and clown and whiteseam pleco fish ,the fish can grow to reach 60 cm . this fish can survive in cold water tanks like goldfish.


the fish is Peacful and stay all the time cleaning the tank from algea they will  hide under stones or decoration when they feel they are in danger .

Temperature and Ph

they prefer temperature between 70 to 85°F ( 21-29 °C) and Ph 6 - 8 


according the size of the fish you need 40 gallons tank minimum


Pelco are not picky fish the eat any thing they find also food left from another fish or algea and algea wafers  

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Clown Loach Fish

About The Fish

Clown loach or Chromobotia macracanthus its one of the loach family and tropical fresh water fish It originates in inland waters in Indonesia on the islands of Sumatra.


The fish's body is long and laterally compressed, with an arched dorsal surface and a flat ventral surface. Its head is relatively large and its mouth faces downward with thick, fleshy lips, and four pairs of barbels. The barbels on the lower jaw are small and difficult to see. Clown loaches can make a clicking sound when they are happy or angry the fish size between 7 to 10 inches (18 to 26 cm) The body is whitish-orange to reddish-orange, with three thick, black, triangular, vertical bands. The anterior band runs from the top of the head and through the eye, the medial band lies between the head and the dorsal fin, and wraps around to the ventral surface, and the posterior band covers almost all of the caudal peduncle and extends to the anal fin.


clown loach is schooling fish they should be kept in groups of 5 members or more coz they may try hide if they are less than 5 members also they will be nice tank mate to fish like tiger barbs but generally clown loach is peacful harmless active fish . we can say the clown is shy fish some how coz its will prefer to hide when u add it in new tank and some other aggrissive fishes may strees the clown loach.

Temperature and PH 

they like temperature between of 77 to 86 °F (25 to 30 °C), a pH between 5.0 and 8.0, and water hardness between 5 and 12 dH.


the minimum size of the tank should be 70 gallons for adults fishes . plantes and decoration are required in tank to provide hiding places for the fish


Clown loach is surface feeder fish but they also feed on alga on ur tank stones and they eat falkes and blood worms - small snails - brine shrimps  

Monday, 25 July 2011

Guppy Fish

About the Fish

guppy fish (Poecilia reticulata), also known as the millionfish is one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish species in the world. it was dicoverd by Robert John Lechmere Guppy in Trinidad in 1866.


Guppy females are grey in body colour, while males are colorful , its small fish females are 4–6 centimetres (1.6–2.4 in) long and males are 2.5–3.5 centimetres (1.0–1.4 in) long.


Generarlly guppys are peaceful fish toward its kind of other fishes but some times they nipping other fishes fins like angel fish or goldfish 

Temperature and PH

guppy prefer temperature between 25.5 and 27.8 °C (78 and 82 °F) and Ph 7.0 - 8.5


 guppy prefer planted tanks heavly planted with some decoration to provide places to hide for young the size of the should be 10 gallons or more 


 guppies would eat the mosquito larvae in wild but also they eat falkes blood worms and some plantes

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Gold Fish

About The Fish


The goldfish (Carassius auratus auratus) is a freshwater fish It was one of the earliest fish to be domesticated, and is one of the most commonly kept aquarium fish.
the goldfish is a domesticated version of a less colorful Fish which is the carp (Carassius auratus) native to east Asia. It was first domesticated in China more than a thousand years ago Goldfish has many colors and body shapes u can find colors like white, yellow, orange, red, brown, and black 


the Fish has many kinds with different looking but they share the colors full looking and the long fins and here is some pics will show you different kinds of this popular fish also goldfish have life span in captivity extend to 10 years or more .

Bubble Eye

Black Moor

Common goldfish



Celestial Eye






gold fish have learning Abilities and they have very sharp visual allows them to notice the different between individual humans and the fish is very friendly towards each others or any other fish also the fish almost eat any thing and you can notice that your goldfish will come to the water surface and asks for food and start to move around in the tank and which is sweet behavior and that make it one of the most beloved fishes.


Goldfish known as cool water fish it can live in unheated aquariums but not less than 10 °C (50 °F) it could lead the fish to its death and 
also not higher than 30 °C (86 °F) 


Goldfish grown fast when you care about the feeding 
so you need minimum 20 gallon tank to raise 
a goldfish and u cam simply calculate this by simple 
Equation (1cm fish need 2 liter = 0.53 gallon) 
which giving free space for swimming . and you dont 
have to add live plants to your tank coz the fish will eat it .


Goldfish feed on wide varieties of foods they don't stop feeding as long as they can find the food lol ,they can eat insects - plants - blood worms


Saturday, 23 July 2011

Kissing Gourami

About The Fish

Kissing gouramis(Helostoma temminckii)are large tropical freshwater fish These fish originate from Thailand to Indonesia They are highly commercial food fish which are farmed in their native


Typical of gourami, the body is deep and strongly compressed laterally The foremost rays of the jugular pelvic fins are also slightly elongated. The pectoral fins are large, rounded, and low-slung. The caudal fin is rounded to concave. The lateral line is divided in two, with the posterior portion starting below the end of the other; there are a total of 43–48 scales running the line's length and The most distinctive feature of the kissing gourami is its mouth the lips are lined with horny teeth. There are two colour morphs encountered greens, which have lengthwise lateral stripes and opaque, dark brown fins and pink, which have a rose to orangy pink body and silvery scales, with transparent pinkish fins . the fish maximum length between 20 to 30 cm (7.87 - 11.81 inches).


Shallow, slow-moving, and thickly vegetated backwaters are the kissing gourami's natural habitat. They are midwater omnivores kissing behavior is the most amzing thing about the fish , the fish kissing each other or the plantes or object around in the aquarium the kissing gourami's are territorial fish some are tolerant towards fish of similar size, but others will bully, chase and torment causing significant stress on tank mates also males kisser will challange each other .

Temperature and PH

the temperature should be between 22–28 °C (72–82 °F) and the PH between 6.8–8.5 with water hardness between 5–30°dGH

Tank Size

the reqiured tank should be 50 gallons planted tank and larger for adult fishes


Kissing gouramis are omnivores fish and in nature they feed on a wide range of foods, including benthic algae, zooplankton, phytoplankton and aquatic plants. They are midwater fishes so they search for food at midwater, but will also eat insects at the water surface.